The TUMB is hiring for our Drumline Instructor/Operations Manager position

So i’ve neglected this personal space and some of my personal projects for a while now because I was rather suddenly promoted from being the Drumline Instructor/Operations Manager to being the Assistant Director of Bands and have become much more crazy busy than i anticipated i would be.  A separate blog entry about how that’s been going is coming soon, but I thought i’d plug the position here and talk in a little bit more depth about what the job position is about for those that are interested.

To see the listing and a basic job description (and to also apply for the job), go to and do a search for “drumline”.

The more detailed version of the job goes like this:

In a nutshell, the job is split into two halves. The first half is instructional – teaching and developing the battery percussion program which spans a wide range of skill levels from beginner to advanced, and also teaching and developing the front ensemble in the rare occasions where we field one. Battery and front ensemble book arranging for halftime shows and new Mardi Gras songs is preferred but is also optional.

The second half of the job is administrative – being the primary person in charge of our databases (uniform, instrument, and student databases which were built by a third-party contractor, attendance and financial databases built by me using, our physical inventory, our social media presence and branding, photo and video management/posting and archiving, and other miscellaneous tasks. Some of this work would be split with me.

Expertise in developing a drumline is paramount. Expertise in the other half of the job is not required but is helpful. Ultimately what i want is someone who if they’re not familiar with the operations side can learn and adapt quickly to any of the above tasks at hand.  Familiarity with database programming and/or excel formula building and macro building is a plus.

We’re accepting applications until roughly the end of March with intent to sift through the resumés and interviews during March and April so that the new hire can get in as soon as possible in late April, or early May.

For more information, you can contact me here or email anyone on the primary tulane marching band staff located at

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