nF presents Liminal Space

As Composer:Remnants of the Sunken Cathedral commissioned and performed by Liminal Space As Performer: Percussionist of Steve Reich’s Nagoya Marimbas

PPG in Concert

Moon of Eris commissioned and world premiered by the Portland Percussion Group

PPG in Concert

Moon of Eris performed by the Portland Percussion Group

KKY Rhocital

Habits of Man performed for KKY’s Rhocital

KKY Rhocital

Minkowski Etudes commissioned and world-premiered by Dylan Koester

Southern Sonic Festival

As Composer:Minkowski Etudes performed by Dylan Koester with Versipel New Music As Performer: Percussionist of Kari Bersharse’s Blooms

nF presents Andy Kozar

Minkowski Etudes performed by Andy Kozar for nienteForte Contemporary Music